About Us

Where Language and Creativity Come Alive!

Our Services

Who We Are

The of mission Inkreadable is two-fold: To help people for whom English is not the first language improve so that they have equal facility in both it and their own native language. This is not limited to simply speaking, but also to creating in English. Writing is an integral part of this communication, but is often not taught in the right way or in enough detail that people feel comfortable using it. At Inkreadable, we believe that one can not fully use language until they are able to create in it, and we aim to give our students that confidence in themselves and their English ability.

Tina Manousakis

What We Do

The mission of Inkreadable has changed since Tina’s move to the Netherlands. We have shifted our focus to  English as a Second Language (ESL), adding a curriculum to the program that includes conversational English for all levels, Business English, and English Proficiency Exam preparation. In addition, we offer Copy Editing services for academic papers as well.

Our mission has changed from when we started in the US. Writing is still an important part of our focus, but now it’s about the creation of well-crafted easily understood business communications and academic papers. We help our clients achieve clarity in business and academic circles.

Why Me ?

I came late to writing. I was not one of those kids, constantly scribbling ideas on pieces of paper. I was a reader. I read everything from science textbooks to the classics, from modern Nobel winners to the best of pulp fiction. As I read more and more, I realized that I was largely reading the same stories over and over. I decided to try writing myself. At least, that’s what I remember. It turned out that I was wrong. Recently, I came across some things that I wrote in middle school. I had been writing as a young adult. It was a welcome revelation. I could now join the ranks of writers who always wrote. But I digress.

I took a class on novel writing at the Bethesda Writer’s Center, as well as joining The Writer’s Way, a writing group that taught writing through positive critique. Both were wonderful experiences for a beginning writer. The class taught me how to write and the Writer’s Way showed me what was good about my writing.

Then, when I lived in Edinburgh, Scotland for a stretch, I joined a writers group called The Edinburgh Creative Writers Club. This group was lead by writers, both published and unpublished, who gave positive critique on how to improve one’s writing. Eventually, I ended up leading this group. I learned how to manage a writer’s group so that everyone was heard and supported, and even critiqued, in a positive way. A year later, back in the States, using the skills I gained in Edinburgh, I created my own group, The Washington Creative Writers Club.

The group succeeded more than I could have imagined. Over two years it grew from four writers a week, to twenty and over. I still felt something was missing.

How could I transform what I loved doing for fun into something that made a living, and a difference, at the same time?

Gradually, I began talking to friends and what I heard was that they and their kids loved writing stories but needed encouragement. I began helping students of all ages where I could. I’d read a story here, help with an essay there. Nothing major, just my friends who were still in school and children who love to create. One of the kids I helped ended up getting an A on an assignment. An ESL student of mine got an award on a paper. A series of small steps, and a few conversations later, and here we are. Send your Inkreadable Kids and Adults to my classes and let the adventure begin!

In August 2016 I got my Certificate of English Language Teaching to Adults (CELTA) from The University of Cambridge. A month later I was hired to teach ESL to students in China via an online platform. In 2017, I left the United States for the Netherlands where I am hoping to bring my love of language and the written word to other people who feel as I do about language and writing.